Bounce Back Youth Service: South East and West Cavan
What we do:
There are two elements to the Bounce Back Youth Service; The Rural Resilience Service (ISPCC) and The Detached Youth Work Element (Youth Work Ireland Cavan Monaghan)
The Detached Youth Work element is carried out by staff members from Youth Work Ireland Cavan Monaghan by being present on the streets of Belturbet, Ballyconnell, Ballyjamesduff, Virginia and Bailieborough on key nights when we know the most at-risk young people are hanging around the streets, amenities or local hotspots and possibly engaging in anti-social behaviour. We are present on the streets on key nights when we know the most at-risk young people are hanging around the streets.
Where we are based:
The Bounce Back Youth Service covers the following areas in South East and West Cavan:
- Ballyjamesduff
- Virginia
- Bailieborough
- Belturbet
- Ballyconnell
Age Group:
The Bounce Back Youth Service is a service aimed at young people within the age bracket of 10-25 years in South East and West Cavan.
The Bounce Back Youth Service also facilitates weekly youth cafés, an astro turf programme, homework club, early school leaver prevention programme and a personal development programme for the young people. All of which is fully supervised by Youth Workers and Volunteers. Bounce back provides endless activities and resources for young people. Drinks and snacks are also provided.
The Youth Café is integral part of Bounce Back and connects both the Detached Youth Work and Rural Resilience elements of our work. It is safe environment where young people can hang out, make new friendships and take part in exciting new experiences such as music production, outdoor adventures, summer camps and multi-cultural events all within their own local community.
How can you get involved?
If you wish to get involved in the Bounce Back Youth Service, please don’t hesitate to contact us:
- For South East Cavan contact: Con 087 7684757
- For West Cavan Contact: Michelle 087 3501287
Alternatively you can contact us on Facebook @ Bounce Back Youth Service